
《中英對照讀新聞》Is testosterone the new drug of choice on Wall Street? 睪酮素是華爾街的新特選藥?_自由時報_ ◎管淑平


The male hormone testosterone has become an unlikely drug of choice for Wall Street traders seeking to give themselves an edge over their professional rivals.


New York clinics have reported a rise in treatment for ’testosterone deficiency’, sometimes known as ’andropause’.


They say many workers in the male-dominated industry are hoping that boosters of the hormone will help them perform better at work and put in longer hours.


Lionel Bissoon, who now specialises in ’integrative medicine’, says he first noticed demand for testosterone replacement therapy when the financial crisis hit. He told the Financial Times : ’Since the recession started, more guys want to be on top of their game.’


Ninety percent of his patients, he revealed, hold senior positions in the finance industry and are typically in their thirties or forties.


’All of these men are under tons of stress, and stress will reduce their levels of testosterone,’ he said. ’As one patient told me : "There’s a whole bunch of whizz-kids beneath me who are ready to take my place."’




give/have/get an edge over:片語,佔優勢。例句:His aggressiveness gives him an edge over you when it comes to get the promotion.(他的積極讓他比你有優勢獲得升遷。)

whizz-kid:俚語,年紀輕輕就在事業上迅速成功的人。例句:Those whizz-kids are going to take our jobs.(那群少年得志的年輕人將會搶走我們的工作。)

be on top of one’s game:俚語,在最佳、顛峰狀態。例句:They are on top of their game and have won four in a row this season.(他們現在正處於顛峰狀態,這球季已經四連勝。)


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